For what its worth..just so u know, when u spoke on how u can't play both hit me, not in a bad way, but it made me revert back to the early yrs when my mom was attempting to bring a guy into her world, but he only wanted to see half of it. He wanted the secular, She wanted the pulpit, keepin it real idk who won that battle, but he was never heard of after that conversation. "U cant strattle the fence, you're either in...or out". My spidersense tells me exactly what happened, and ur a smart girl that obviously has gone thru similar situation(s), so I'll leave it to ur intuition to go ahead and tell that story to urself..just recall when I said, "u never know how much ur words can do for someone unless they tell u" then the crowd went "aww" down to business
20yrs in a baptist church, basically from birth, choir, usher board (president) upstate retreats, conferences, luncheons, fashion shows, vocal lessons workin on pitch and octave, piano lessons..the list goes on
Untold amount of yrs rippin and runnin the streets meeting new ppl, making jokes, partying, fraternizing, publically displaying affection, "breaking the law" and finding every loophole in the "Girl Code" just to show how much more dominant the male species can be at a game that the woman arguably started (see: genesis) cheating at first
Now what if I told u that both of those sides happened in relatively the same time intervals? Am I wrong for growing up and gaining the experiences necessary to make great decisions as an adult? Show me a virgin mary at the church and ima paint u a mental portrait of this same girl after service, den ima show u the picture that jr. Deacon sent from the balcony from 20mins ago while everyone had they eyes closed for point is that there are some wrongs, that just aren't wrong in the eyes of some and even most in MOST cases, like some ppl believe in God, some believe that Jesus is God, some believe that Jesus is God's son, some believe that Jesus is a reincarnate of some older prophet who recognized their christ consciousness. We all know that reincarnation is a very evil idea in some religious denominations, meanwhile, others look at reincarnation as a gift from God to continue the cycle of life..who's wrong? I mean since we're already here and literally in love with our physical as much as we are then let's think...u come from the land, says God, and then when u die, u go back to the very land in which u came, we don't need to get into the graphics behind it because that's obviously the scary part, but atheists believe in things like ur gonna end up a tree after ur physical burns itself out..goin back to the land in which we came? Are those guys wrong? They don't even claim God in their lives, but they got 2key components down, the idea of going back to the land, and at least BELIEVING in something.
This whole idea of dualism is as manmade as whatever u decide is fictional in ur life, we've got good and evil, and we're forced to believe that only one should exist, ever heard of "the other"? well..u can't have one of those without one, get it? We wouldn't kno what good was unless we had something bad as its counterpart, good and bad are as unified as you me and our shadows. We downplay darkness but love our skintone. We utilize a lot of asian-born ideals, but then we disregard the yinyang..balance. "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"....same exact time, now what's the difference if spirituality resides here and all around us? The manmade idea around this is that because of our "earthly limitations" we must have received less than what heaven has. Ordained ministers preaching that we're weaker and have to lower ourselves to be accepted. Humble yourself..maybe, lower your standards to appease some deity you've been convinced into believing you've never met? I'm not too sure, only because if God is ever present then I'm sure we've met.
We think of this idea of dualism and see one good side and one bad per society's rule of law, but society is internal, we've had this convo, and if we don't wana go there, then you haven't even met everyone on this planet to really know what the majority of society believes forreal. Let's take the "war on terror" for example, I support the safety of people around the does the military, the question for the majority is "who supports the murder of innocent human beings?" The realer question is, "what makes them guilty in the first place?" Ima leave that up2 u again..
Necessary evils make the world go round says can we be a great nation with access to a plethora of resources as in food and water and shelter and clothing and even the same cotton that ur dollar bill is made of without first establishing some kind of dominance speaking softly with a big stick? The spot of the best is always being chased by someone..employee, student, business, corporation, singer, actor, rapper, and yes..even a nation. Had the greatest nation not made the moves they made, then only God knows what the world would look like now, dnt be mad cause someone had an idea and it worked out for them..u want change? Come with a better idea. These are actually valid arguments from real ppl..
Porn can be a necessary evil..and we're gonna spend as little time as possible here, but tapes all over the internet of the same ppl you've danced in the mirror 2, if they're doin it, then why do u view it as wrong? Because you wouldn't make the same decision that some girls made to get thru college? Or keep some money in they pocket? The casting couch has saved plenty of boring weekends and payed plenty of bills I'm sure..can u really judge someone who chooses a path different than urs? The answer is no..because u can't judge, which is what the newer aged versions of the bible are based around..earthly judgment
Kirk Franklin is addicted to pornography, is he a bad man now? Big super holy church stomp himself, can't get enuff of the ebony beauties on the screen with they clothes off, do I judge him for whatever he enjoys in his privacy? Do any of us judge each other for the secret lives we live behind closed doors after hours with or without company? None of us admit to a lot of this but we ALL know these sides of ourselves exist, only thing that doesn't solidify any of it is our perception of time and the idea of us minding our own business..while we're on the topic of sex in the church again allow me to state an observation I made while I visited churches near and far across counties and the country..most of the well known spiritually empowered youth of the church are questionably homosexual, DO NOT DISAGREE WITH FACT! We've all seen it..we've all seen it masked, and we've all seen a bad job done at masking it. Now am I supposed to feel as a new member that knows damn well God ain't down wit that gay stuff? Do I believe that this person is goin to the "basement" because of gaysex? Maybe it was the fornication before any of that that guarantees his way into the basement..oh wait no, he's redeemed for his sins because he told the lord sorry and asked for forgiveness. But is redemption really the right call since we don't really know if gay dude is goin straight and narrow? Gay dudes in the church been happenin forever, BLATANTLY BREAKING the rules and guidelines placed on this planet by God, king james and his writers somewhere in the 1600s..
I'm sure by now u get the jist of what's being said here, duality is all in ur definition of it, its gonna always boil down to your code of ethics and its probably gonna be popular in ur circle, but not really much in other circles..honestly, not bashing..but when u do your history you'd come to find out that what's been handed to OUR NEIGHBORHOOD is just an old story created after we docked in south carolina all those yrs ago (amistad). I promise that I'm not saying leave ur belief, all I'm puttin on the table here is the idea of acceptance and the inquisition of other realms of thought religious leaders have been promoting for themselves and the good of ppl all over for yrs now. TRUST ME, I know and can feel the reluctance..but really, with all of the times you've sinned, and been forgiven, would learning what christ learned be all that bad? He listened to everyones opinion because he knew the truth of every matter, everything these ppl are claiming to not have or need already exists, they just need to know it exists..
(pardon no photos, u took enough in ur mind when u read this..we'll get back on the approach in time, got some fun ideas set up for the summer, in the meantime tho business is always beckoning, so dnt go crazy if I'm out saving the day like always..u kno the saying, "with great power...blah blah blah")
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