Saturday, June 8, 2013

she said..."call me cat" *eyebrow* u say?

this is so easy, remember that time when i had said "get over yourself" *str8face* i meant it. 
Come onnnnn son, like, yea ur cute and all, but i think you've got the message here veryyyyyy twisted, so plz..remember we're broadcasting mentally here, so think...silence, blogging..
*eyebrow* cat got my tongue....cheers to that?
lol excellent.....this is fact "we see as we are" meaning anything going on in our external world is totally happening internally first..hence us attracting our situations, like...our thoughts of ourselves matter most..hol on
What is matter? Elementary science tells us that matter is a solid liquid or gas. says ahem
(intransitive verb)
1. to be of importance
1. the substance of which a physical object consists
2. trouble
3. pus
4. subject of concern or discussion
5. dull surface or finish 

Of all of those, we can all deduce that the most accurate correlation between those 2 are number one...hol on
Our thoughts, are a physical object...are we really bickering over who believes in the same thing? or person..or deity, because the same thing..or person..or deity said so? listen..thats all just silly, are we all brainwashed? who's training ur mind? are u doing it? or are u allowing someone collecting your money do gonna be honest and say both, and the same goes for me, and guess what else..we both get to choose exactly how much training we go thru, its called the television..or the radio..or books. Are u righter than i am because ur mind training technique says something different than mines?...hol on, purposed reword..Are u righter than i am because ur mind training technique is interpreted by you by way of ur surrounding majority? whats the surrounding majority when we all cant fit inside 4walls? last time i checked we were on a globe sweetheart, and the universe is always expanding, and if the creator wanted to stop it then of course he could, and restart it if the creator wanted to..what happens to us? we hol on, no clear depiction of what that dude in the basement looks like..remember the first noun and the intransitive verb, how can u have a thought of someone who doesnt exist? can u have a picture of someone who u dont have an accurate mental portrait of? they say this dude in the basement attacks mentally..(are u decoding correctly? im here to help u) "duppy kno who fi frighten"??? cmon son, das all u real..we see as we are, what part of u internally brings u to continue reading? %herekittykitty
We're tells us that, school tells us that, u gon tell u me u spent all this money on school just to disagree with it at the end of the day? Never the memorization as much as the life application, think with logic..AND intuition, because that's what our creator given consciousness is...not some super negative mastermind with hopes to completely take over the planet...its too many of us to fall for some dumb shit like that honestly, and that's where i come in..because i see damsels like yourself, all around the city, just movin wit the cause..and i show them the effect, which is another cause in itself, and so is on with the world, or universe, or whatever u feel like callin it..its really all internal, that mustard seed faith..or small belief. thats really all it boils down question kitty, whats the effect? Nonsensical back and forths about why if we're all living? When we all have the "same emotions"?? When we can go thru all of the same situations individually and figure out that we had the same exact set of emotions that somebody else had that went thru the same thing? Feel wrong yet? Feel like u gettin pressed? Back on the wall? 
Well take it easy...ur cause creates the effect of 2 ppl literally going where they wouldnt regularly take their minds to inspire those "same emotions" in other ppl..across the planet. INSPIRED CREATIVITY..was it the word invitation that got u? sparked the whole inquisition in the first place? well i mean...duh invitation to frikkin start gettin more creative, idc that u do what u do..i think its cool, especially with ur ability in the performing arts, remember..this is deeper than some freewheelamity, wayy deeper than some baptistpentacost, we're HERE...from THERE!!..think about that, over THERE, all we did was perform, FOR EVERYTHING..its addictive, we had fun, enjoyed everything and celebrated every moment of this life, u think ur skill is just by chance? u think my talent is by choice? this is IN us cat..wayyyy before we even made it here, its been in us....u can take it all the way back to the earliest days, u knew u was doin it, i knew i was doin it, just WAS. Are u gonna let our babysitters force u 2 4get that? There's just as much text on your side as there is in kabul's side, its all whatever we let....matter. 

Perception is reality..u think this is all you?? now what if i said choose a side? would that make u feel like its still all u? Real question is, with all of the shadesofbrown in the %colorspectrum of this planet, and knowing how i feel about my much credit are u willing to take? remember that.."get over yourself"? I can tell u that  that could be either one, i'd never tell..but it should be obvious that both of us picked ur side a long time've been around for so long....and i know that we have some things in common, so i just figured you'd appreciate the amount of skill i put into literally showing one skiil can be used to create amazing works of mental art...thoughts. So how can u apply this to u life? Hint: fearful ignorance isnt an acceptable answer

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